Wellness New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Want to Keep

Many resolutions are dropped within days or weeks of the new year, because it’s easy to idealize a perfect you with the fresh start of the coming year. But, when the reality of your schedule sets in, it can be tough.

CBD Capsule

The key is to be more specific than just “lose weight” or “make money,” and to pick actions that are achievable and will make you feel good about yourself. With that in mind, the following resolutions are actionable goals you’ll want to keep throughout the year.

Start a Wellness Routine 

A wellness routine could be anything from trying to eat healthier meals to taking care of your skin. Make a smoothie with CBD hemp protein powder for an infusion of plant-based goodness in your morning. Make sure you put lotion and sunscreen on to protect your skin. Drink more water. The key here is creating a routine, taking these actions until they are second nature. They might seem like small, simple actions that you can easily skip, but the repetition will pay off in the end. The following resolutions can each be taken individually or together as a whole to start to a routine.

Chill Out and Sleep More

This two-part resolution will help you kick up your feet more and mellow out. When you get home from work, enjoy a CBD capsule, like a softgel, to help you chill out and unwind. Then, get a good night’s rest. Getting a proper amount of sleep can help improve your mood, and it’s important to prioritize. Getting between seven and nine hours of sleep, combined with a smoothie in the morning from the previous resolution, helps you get ready to take on the day, no matter what challenges you might face.

Reconnect with Friends

Despite all the technology at our fingertips, making the world seem smaller every day, it’s too easy to lose contact with friends and family. Send a text message. See how your friends are doing and start a conversation. If you can, make a lunch date and catch up. Friendships ebb and flow as life goes on, but making an effort to try and reconnect is often all you need to re-establish strong relationships. It’s hard to fail if you have good intentions.

Take the Stairs

Many people resolve to work out more, but then stop going to the gym, despite membership fees. Instead, start small. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the scenic route and get more steps in. Take a walk during your lunch break to both clear your head and stretch your legs. Taking three 10-minute walks during the day adds up to a half hour of walking, a goal that is easy to achieve in small parts but adds up over time.

About Manitoba Harvest

Manitoba Harvest is a leader in hemp foods with more than two decades of experience, and is now offering Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract. The Manitoba Harvest team is all about hemp, and love the healthy, wholesome nature of the plant. They’re experts and hemp’s biggest fans, making Manitoba Harvest one of the best places to buy CBD products. Manitoba Harvest offers high-quality Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract products to fit your tastes and lifestyle, including oils, sprays, and CBD hemp protein powders, as well as hemp oil, hemp bars, granola with hemp, and more. It’s from hemp, with love.

Shop Manitoba Harvest for all your hemp and CBD needs at Manitobaharvest.com


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